Webinar: Virtual reality for training, what you need to know to get started

On July 7th, we had the opportunity to present a webinar for designers-trainers on virtual reality for training. This event which gathered more than 50 happy participants was animated by Benjamin ATLANI, trainer and VR expert & CEO co-founder and Matthieu RIVIÈRE, VR training creator, Production Director & co-founder.

The objective of this webinar was to provide participants with key elements to get started in creating virtual reality content for immersive training. Other webinars and training sessions are planned to go more in depth on this high potential topic.

A great opportunity to understand the interest of Immersive Learning

During these 45 minutes, we had the opportunity to discuss with people who are very interested in virtual reality and training. We discussed various topics, including the technologies used to create a virtual reality experience, the best practices for developing virtual reality training and the challenges to consider when setting up such a project.

Indeed, this webinar was an excellent way to raise awareness of the use of VR and its potential for training. It is a very powerful tool that can provide an immersive and engaging experience for learners. During the webinar, participants became aware of the potential of virtual reality for training and how to implement an immersive virtual reality training project. They are already very motivated to learn how to set up a virtual reality training creation project and how beneficial it can be for their learners.

For a quick recap

🔹VR and training: an explosive cocktail...

🔹Build on existing cases to get started and make your mark

🔹Beware of the pitfalls: get support at the beginning to avoid them

🔹Choose the right model that best suits your needs

Our best advice: get started and be creative!

More webinars and trainings to come!

Their curiosity and desire to learn more encouraged us to organize other webinars. We already have a date for you:

📆 October 6th, 2022 => Face-to-face training in Paris to create your 1st immersive learning scenario

The content of the training :

🔹Constructing your immersive learning project.

🔹Give meaning to VR vs your training project

🔹Create a relevant scenario (practical exercise)

🔹Find the right interaction mechanics

🔹Guest +

Location: Paris

For whom: designers-trainers

Type of training : inter ( limited to 10 persons)

Cost : 450€ HT / pers

Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter and see you soon! 😉

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